
发布时间: 2018-07-11 / 点击数:



Aims:Intelligent manufacturingis a human-machine integrated intelligent system composed of intelligentmachines and human experts. Through the cooperation of human and intelligentmachines, it expands, extends and partially replaces the mental work of humanexperts in the manufacturing process. It extends the concept of manufacturingautomation to be flexible, intelligent and highly integrated. This forum is togather graduate students from Chinese universities and abroad for researchexchanging and educate students on the state-of-the-art in manufacturingscience. It will be focusing on the front of Intelligent manufacturing,cutting-edge disciplinary engineering and applications.

Attendance:Graduate students/ Postdoctoral researchers from universitiesin China or abroad

Topics:Intelligent manufacturing,Robot technology, Micro/Nano manufacturing, or relatedareas.

OrganizerSchool of Mechanical Engineering&Automation,BUAA
