荷兰皇家科学院院士、北航荣誉教授Peter J.G. Teunissen教授特邀报告

发布时间: 2018-09-26 / 点击数:


Multi-GNSS for Science and Engineering




报告人Prof. Peter J.G. Teunissen, 荷兰代尔夫特理工大学教授、荷兰皇家科学院院士、北航荣誉教授


We have come a long way from theearly days of Transit satellite navigation to today’s parallel developments ofmultiple Global and Regional Satellite Navigation Systems (GNSSs). GNSSs havebecome so pervasive that they are now used in a broad range of science andengineering as well as in the everyday lives of billions of people worldwide.This presentation will be a personal journey through the various importantscientific and engineering applications of multi-GNSS research, whereby also anoutlook will be given to some of the exciting research challenges that lieahead of us.



Peter Teunissen is Professor ofSatellite Navigation at Delft University of Technology(Netherlands). He is amember of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences(荷兰皇家科学院院士), a foreign Fellow of theDeutschen Geodätischen Kommission Akademie der Wissenschaften, and a Fellow ofthe International Association of Geodesy.

He is a world authority on GlobalNavigation Satellite System (GNSS) positions and navigation and the inventor ofthe Least-squares AMBiguity Decorrelation Adjustment (LAMBDA) method for GNSScarrier phase ambiguity resolution. Professor Teunissen intends to addressimportant and pressing theoretical and modelling issues for future GNSSapplications to deliver high-precision, high-integrity positioning andnavigation solutions.

Professor Teunissen obtained hisPhD in geodesy at the Delft University of Technology. He was awarded theConstantijn en Christaan Huygens Fellowship by the Netherlands Organisation forthe Advancement of Pure Research, and an ARC International Fellowship at CurtinUniversity of Technology in 2007. Professor Teunissen was awarded the Alexandervon Humboldt Research Award in 1996, and the International Association ofGeodesy Guy Bomford Prize in 1987.

He was Editor-in-Chief of Journalof Geodesy. He is editor of more than 10 top journals including GPS solutions.He had published more than 260 papers and 7 books.

P.J.G.Teunissen教授是世界上被引用频次最高的卫星导航学家之一,是高精度卫星导航核心算法LAMBDA的发明人,该算法革命性的提升了卫星导航系统的高精度导航能力,其应用领域包括航空航天以及多种军用、民用场景,是目前高精度卫星导航领域的工业标准。他在荷兰TU Delft大学获得博士学位,他获得的荣誉包括:






除此以外,P.J.G.Teunissen还是整数统计理论的奠基人,他的研究成果包括去相关理论、搜索边界、搜索成功率等多个方面,为卫星导航系统以及其他存在整数模糊度问题的相关领域奠定了理论基础。他曾经担任Journal of Geodesy主编,并且是包括GPS Solutions 在内的10个国际著名期刊的编委成员,出版了7本专著和超过250篇学术文章。