学术报告预告:Microwave patch antenna for battery-less wireless sensing

发布时间: 2014-07-03 / 点击数:

Prof. Haiying Huang



报告人:Prof. Haiying Huang,Dept. of Mechanical and AerospaceEngineering, University of Texas Arlington

  报告摘要:Sensor technologies are the foundation of all “smart” technologies,e.g. mobile health, robotics, smart grid, environmental monitoring, structuralhealth monitoring, etc. A major challenge for sensor research is to achievedensely distributed, wireless, low power consumption sensor networks. This talkpresents the study of microwave patch antenna sensors to address thischallenge. We discovered that a microstrip patch antenna can be designed tosense various physical parameters, including strain, pressure, shear, and cracketc. Since the patch antenna also serves as a data transmission device,battery-less wireless interrogation of the antenna sensors can beachieved. In addition, frequency-divisionmultiplexing can be exploited to simultaneously interrogate multi-element sensorarrays. These unique characteristics make the microwave antenna sensor anattractive candidate for densely distributed wireless sensor networks. Theoperating principles of the antenna sensors will be explained first, followedby the discussions of two wireless interrogation schemes. The applications ofthe wireless sensors for strain and crack monitoring will be presented

  报告人简介:Prof.Haiying Huang is an associate professor of the department of Mechanical andAerospace Engineering at the University of Texas Arlington. She graduated fromBUAA with a bachelor degree in 1991 and received a PhD degree in AerospaceEngineering and a master degree in Electrical Engineering; both from theGeorgia Institute of Technology. Prof. Huang has published 34 journal papers, 54conference papers, and has 9 patents/disclosures. She is a recipient of the2009 NSF CAREER award and the 2007 Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship. Prof.Huang is a member of the ASME, IEEE, and AIAA.
