AMMM 2019AMMM 2019 Overview:2019 International Conference onAdvances in Materials, Mechanical and Manufacturing (AMMM 2019)will beheld inBeihang University, Beijing, ChinaonMarch 22-24, 2019.AMMM 2019 will provide this international forum for experts in academia,industry, and government to discuss their new ideas, research results,applications and experience on all aspects of Advanc...
报告题目:Accelerating Innovation in Energy Materials报告人:逯高清教授,英国萨里大学校长时间:2018年8月2日(星期四)上午10:00-11:00地点:北航学院路校区如心会议中心中报告厅报告人简介:逯高清(G. Q. Max Lu),澳籍华人。1991年在澳大利亚昆士兰大学获得化学工程博士学位。1991年到1994年在新加坡南洋理工大学任讲师,1994年到1998年在昆士兰大学任高级讲师,2000年任昆士兰大学化工系...
时间:2018.7.13-2018.7.15地点:新主楼B506Aims:Intelligent manufacturingis a human-machine integrated intelligent system composed of intelligentmachines and human experts. Through the cooperation of human and intelligentmachines, it expands, extends and partially replaces the mental work of humanexperts in the manufacturing process. It extends the concept of manufacturingautomation to be...